Energy monitoring

The combination of machine monitoring and energy monitoring is advantageously used both for the completeness of the information obtained about the energy efficiency of the machines and the efficiency of their use, and for the comprehensiveness of the information about the costs associated with the use of the machines and their energy consumption, converted to the price of individual types of products. Data on the efficiency of the use of machines and their energy consumption are also a suitable basis for reporting data in the framework of ESG.

Energy monitoring

The most frequent request is the combination of machine monitoring with monitoring of electricity consumption realized through the installation of electricity meters and joint storage and processing of data in the MES system. Other variants also aim at monitoring the consumption of gas or compressed air or other media according to the type of monitored technology. In addition to energy consumption monitoring for production technologies, projects also include monitoring the consumption of non-production technologies, so that the customer gets a comprehensive overview of the energy consumption picture of the entire operation.

Measured data is stored and archived in the Act-in system data store and is provided for preview and analysis to both Act-in modules, especially the Plant Monitor module, and can be provided for processing to 3rd party systems or customers for their own reporting in their BI tools.

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