The Statistical Quality Control application allows engineers and quality managers to create quality plans for individual products and manufacturing operations, create instructions for individual control points in those plans, and also determine when control should occur, for example, when a production batch starts and ends, or when making every x-th multiple piece, or in repeated time periods.
This information is automatically displayed on production terminals to operators. As soon as the operator begins the production of the given product or production operation, the system automatically alerts him visually on the terminal to the existing requirements from the inspection plan, displays instructions and at the same time prompts him to write the inspection results back into the system, if this information is not already sent to the system automatically from measuring device or test station.
Recorded results are displayed online to engineers and quality managers for their overall record keeping, analysis and reporting of results.
In the event of a discrepancy, the operator can print a guide and attach it to the given product so that it is not confused with identical pieces. The system also informs the engineer and the quality manager about the non-conformity, who can decide to release it for further operations, or reject it for scrap or send it for rework.
The Statistical Quality Control application, in conjunction with the Plant Monitor also monitor critical process variables and evaluate and report SPC process stability and capability.
In addition to linking with the application Plant Monitor connection with other Act-in applications is also possible, such as Maintenance Control, ANDON, Plant View, Field Client, Performance Analyser or Production Scheduler.